Wednesday, December 3, 2008

getting to know you...

so jovi is totally into singing these days. she has this cute little song she learned at church and these are the words...
"i won't turn left and i won't turn right. i get my strength from the path that's right. keep on seeing, keep on reaching. follow, follow, follow jesus christ. i'm fixin' my eyes on you, i'm fixin' my eyes on you." hilarious! she sings it at the top of her lungs and she has moves for it. i got it on video and i'm so glad i did.
other things to remember...
the family got a tummy bug a few weeks ago. jovi has never really been sick other than an occasional cold. this one hit her hard. she was throwing up constantly the first night and then a couple of times a day from a monday to saturday. the sad/funny thing was that i always knew when she was about to get sick she would say "i want God to heal me". within a few minutes of saying that she would totally vomit. yuck. she's heard me talk about it with friends and family so much that when we were at lunch with a friend, jovi said "mom, tell them about my throw up". not something most people want to hear :)
dane is another matter...he is so cute and so stubborn. he is all about trying to get to our Christmas tree right now. i removed him no less than 10 times today. i wanted to see how many times he'd try. i wore out before he did. so i took him to another room to play. his favorite game these days is to grab jovi's toys and run. he thinks it's funny. he likes to eat a lot of paper so i have to watch him like a hawk. but he is so cute. he loves to laugh and gets a kick out of dan scaring him...sort of. he's still a bit of a scaredy cat though.
i think this is all for tonight. more later.

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