Friday, April 10, 2009

"Let the little children come to me" Mt. 19:14

The most recent adventure we have been called to embark on is to be foster parents. We have completed all of the paperwork and are awaiting our final inspection of our home (we had a smoke detector out and had to replace it), we have completed the training (2 saturdays from 9-9!) and I am currently working on the prehomestudy questionnaire (I never remember how to spell questionnaire/questionairre/questionnairre). They agency will come do a homestudy and we will go over the types of kids we'd be willing to take in. That sounds so unfeeling and robotic. To clarify, the kids are typed based on how abused and neglected they were. There is Basic, Moderate (defined by more behavioral problems and usually on some type of medication, in particular psychotropic meds) and severe (kids in wheel chairs, retarded, cerebal palsy, a result of the abuse, or some even abused b/c of it I imagine). Because our children are still so young and do need so much of us we will probably stick to basic. Once they are older, I'd like to think we'd take any child that needed care. Some of the stories we heard from other foster parents are just too horrible to even mention! It is so sad and I just don't understand how anyone could hurt their babies as these people have. If they leave our home with nothing else, I hope they know and believe that Jesus Christ died for them and their parents (as sin wrecked as they are) and Jesus is wanting them to come to Him and He will take care of them. I am praying they will understand the word safe and feel safe and secure in our home. I am also praying for wisdom in general. I have no idea how this is going to work and it is so very liberating to just trust the Lord. I have no control here and for once I think I like it. My heart feels so full of the Lord it wants to burst. I just can't say enough wonderful things about our creator and how He has taught me and sought me and brought me to Him in such a wonderful way through the organization of BSF. I don't want to give the organization any more credit than is due them. It is all b/c of the Lord that they exist and are touching so many lives. Will definitely keep you/me posted on how this journey progresses. I will put up pictures as well so our family can see our new kiddos when they come to us.

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