Friday, June 19, 2009


okay i'm sure i'm going to totally forget so many of the funny sayings i've heard lately, but here goes...
when we first got our foster kiddos, jovi called them juliette (instead of Julia), hextor (instead of Hector) and wand (instead of Juan).
dane the first few nights was totally making fun of juan. it was quite sad. i would put them down in their cribs and juan had a hard time falling asleep. i would stay in there trying to get him to calm down, but dane is used to going to sleep all by himself, so it had the opposite effect on him. anyways, one night juan was laying in his bed crying and i was laying on the floor and i could see juan was holding his blanket and putting it to his mouth when he would cry. dane would grab his blanket and mimick him then throw his head back and laugh. he doesn't do it anymore thankfully. that same night, i was still trying to get them to both go to sleep and so i layed down on the floor inbetween their cribs with my eyes closed. next thing i know, dane yells mama and starts throwing his pillow and animals and blankets out of his crib at me! stinker!
one night jovi was taking her bath and when she was done, i told her to just stay there while i grabbed her towel. she tried to get out on her own and slipped and kind of fell in slow motion luckily, but she did hit her head a little. through her tears i asked her what happened and she said "i was trying to get out of the bathtub and unfortunately i slipped and fell and hit my head". how many 3 1/2 or 4 year olds know how to use the word unfortunately!
i'm drawing a blank now...more later!

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