Friday, April 3, 2009

My Precious Little Ones...

Will I ever get tired of writing about my babies??? Not at all! So, I'm sitting at the dining table working on my homiletics for BSF and Jovi is sitting next to me coloring. She was trying to find a page in her workbook to color and was singing as always...and I do mean always! It took me a minute to realize she was singing "Be Thou My Vision". What a blessing! I love that song and do play it. It amazes me how she picks things up. She has such a joyful heart and a grateful heart! She loves the Lord and that gives me so much joy because she loves Him inspite of anything I've done. God is so good to call His children to Him and to so gently hold them in the palm of His hand.
Another funny is that she was singing a song she totally made up in the car this morning. It lasted a good 5 minutes or more...she just kept going. Some of the lines were "thank you for all the kids you created, thank you for the ingredients in cake, thank you for the houses we live in, thank you for the trees, thank you for the food, I love you so much, please hold onto my balloon for me for when I get to Heaven" and it went on and on! So sweet.
Dane was supposed to be sleeping, but has now awaken so I must go tend to him. I need to write more and that little doodle bug soon. He too is growing so fast and developing a love for the Lord I could have only dreamed about.
Thank you, Precious Lord, for my beautiful babies!

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