Friday, June 19, 2009


okay i'm sure i'm going to totally forget so many of the funny sayings i've heard lately, but here goes...
when we first got our foster kiddos, jovi called them juliette (instead of Julia), hextor (instead of Hector) and wand (instead of Juan).
dane the first few nights was totally making fun of juan. it was quite sad. i would put them down in their cribs and juan had a hard time falling asleep. i would stay in there trying to get him to calm down, but dane is used to going to sleep all by himself, so it had the opposite effect on him. anyways, one night juan was laying in his bed crying and i was laying on the floor and i could see juan was holding his blanket and putting it to his mouth when he would cry. dane would grab his blanket and mimick him then throw his head back and laugh. he doesn't do it anymore thankfully. that same night, i was still trying to get them to both go to sleep and so i layed down on the floor inbetween their cribs with my eyes closed. next thing i know, dane yells mama and starts throwing his pillow and animals and blankets out of his crib at me! stinker!
one night jovi was taking her bath and when she was done, i told her to just stay there while i grabbed her towel. she tried to get out on her own and slipped and kind of fell in slow motion luckily, but she did hit her head a little. through her tears i asked her what happened and she said "i was trying to get out of the bathtub and unfortunately i slipped and fell and hit my head". how many 3 1/2 or 4 year olds know how to use the word unfortunately!
i'm drawing a blank now...more later!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

We got kids!

Julia (6), Juan and Dane (both 19 months), Jovi (4) and Hector (2 1/2)-what a good lookin' bunch!

Wow! 2 months since I've written! So a lot has happened. I was planning to use this time to write down kiddo funnies (and I'll still try to remember to do that), but I think it's mostly going to be a major update! We have foster kids! I hate calling them that because they are just precious kids and I want to think of them as as much mine/ours as possible. Okay, so here's the story. The last blog I posted was that we were officially licensed. Once that happened, I just knew we were going to get a call immediately b/c we're just a good home :) and b/c they've said over and over that there are so many kids who need a home. Well a few days went by, then a few weeks and we hadn't gotten a call. Then like the first week in May we found out that a friend's daughter had hand foot and mouth disease. Dane had been exposed while staying over there for BSF. So we had to watch and wait to see if he was going to get it. He didn't look like he was showing signs over the weekend and then monday he came down with a slight rash, a few bite looking things on his feet and a slight fever. I figured he was coming down with it...and we got our first call that night! It was for a 9 month old baby and I didn't know what to say b/c it's so contagious. She said CPS probably wouldn't go for it so we had to say no. We were bummed but we resolved to believe that God is in control and He had another home picked for this precious baby. So we waited...and waited. The day before BSF ended we got another call for a 6 yr old girl, a 2 1/2 yr. old boy and 1 1/2 year old boy. The youngest boy had the same birthday as Dane! I was a little nervous about the last day of BSF, but we said we'd take them and she called right back to say they'd already been placed in another home. Bummer again. We got a few emails about kids, but the cases seemed to severe for us to handle or for our kids and as we prayed about it we just didn't feel a peace at all about taking any of those kids. So, thursday the 4th of June we got a call about 2 little girls. At first they sounded perfect. However, as family link got more info on them and passed it on to us, we weren't so sure. There had been severe neglect, possibly sexual abuse of some type, and they were both very aggressive. We got another call the same day about 3 kids, a girl and 2 boys. 3 sounded a little overwhelming to me but so did the 2 girls with all the issues. Jamie at family link basically said she worried about Jovi's safety. I asked for more info on the 3 and it was the same 3 that they had called about just a couple of weeks before!!! I told Jamie I didn't know what to do and that she knows us and these kids and I trusted her decision, we'd take either. She called 2 mintues later and said we got the 3! I felt such a peace...then we jumped into action. They came the next day, that afternoon. So the day was spent scrambling to get bunk beds and a crib, etc...The showed up on friday at about 3:30. Julia is our daugther and Hector and Juan are our sons...along with Jovi and Dane of course. It's been just over a week and I don't want them to go anytime soon. I find myself worrying a little here and there thinking they could go at any moment. I knew that going into it, but these kids are so precious and so sweet and they seem to be adapting to our schedule so well and so quickly. God is just so good! Here are some examples of how good He is and He has really just orchestrated this whole thing...One of Dan's clients gave us $500 to help out! That covered the bunkbeds and mattresses. One of my old clients has given Julia new clothes and lots of diapers for the boys. Another friend gave us a bunch of diapers. My Aunt Linda is sending a care package with lots of things for the kids (not sure just what yet, but knowing her, it'll be grand :) ). The girlfriend of a coworker of Dan's (and she babysits my kids some) gave clothes and shoes to the kids. I had been given so many boy clothes for Dane and I had the hardest time going through them, knowing there was no way they'd all get worn by Dane. God knew these boys would be coming and they are all the same size basically! God is good! Will do kid funnies in the next blog...